What to Wear for Your Boudoir Session

So you’ve booked your boudoir session.  Now the biggest question looms in your mind…what to wear?

A common mistake many make when planning their boudoir session is thinking that boudoir is only one thing: matching lingerie sets.  This is not the case at all!  Your boudoir session should be all about YOU first and foremost.  You should feel completely comfortable in what you’re wearing (unless you’re going for the uncomfortable stuff) and it should make you feel sexy!  Don’t feel like you have to fit yourself into the box of what most people are doing for their boudoir sessions.  BE YOU!  Whether that means going all out for the full lingerie set, garter belt, stockings and high heels or simply barefoot with cotton undies and a t-shirt.

The focus of your session should be you, not your wardrobe or props.  Keep patterns to a minimum as they can be distracting.  Bright colors can be as well, but sometimes bright colors truly fit certain personalities. It all depends on you. Your outfits will determine the look and feel for your session, so keep that in mind when you’re choosing.  Do you want your session to feel more dark and mysterious, or would you prefer light and airy?  If you feel like you have multiple facets of your personality consider doing multiple sessions and changing the hair and makeup as well. If you’re planning on purchasing prints or canvases for your home, consider the colors in the rooms where you want to hang things.  Choose colors that will compliment your decor.  (and make sure to measure your wall space before your session!)

Let’s dive into some wardrobe options:

Matching set

The matching lingerie set is one of our most common wardrobe options.  You can’t go wrong with matching bra and panties, and they come in endless options.  Solid black /white is classic and timeless.  The most important consideration for the matching set is to make sure it fits right.  That goes for everything on this list, actually.  If you go a size down from what you should wear, it will create bulges under the bra band and around the underwear band.  I’ve never met a woman who has referred to the “muffin top” affectionately, so be sure it fits right!  If you’re not sure, ask an associate to measure you.  Click here for our blog and a video on getting the proper fit.

    ©2014 Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max Tromblywhat_to_wear_boudoir_lingerie_garter_stockings©2014 Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max Trombly Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 4 of 4

©2014 Breathless Boudoir | Jen TromblyThis is the last blog in the travel boudoir series from Florida, and possibly one of my favorite… though it’s such a close race because I love ALL of the posts so much! My heart is in the forest, that’s where I feel the most connected to nature, and the most at peace.  It also proved to be the most challenging shoot of all of them. Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 3 of 4

©Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max TromblyContinuing the travel boudoir series, I had the honor of photographing my mother for the second time.  Yes, you heard that right, ^ this gorgeous woman is my mother.  We started off on the same rocks from the first post in this series (if you missed that post click here). Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 2 of 4


“Hold out your hands to feel the luxury of sunbeams. Press the soft blossoms against your cheek, and finger their graces of form, their delicate mutability of shape, their pliancy and freshness. Expose your face to the aerial floods that sweep the heavens, ‘inhale great draughts of space,’ wonder, wonder at the wind’s unwearied activity. Pile note on note the infinite music that flows increasingly to your soul from the tactual sonorities of a thousand branches and tumbling waters. How can the world be shriveled when this most profound, emotional sense, touch, is faithful to its service? I am sure that if a fairy bade me choose between the sense of sight and that of touch, I would not part with the warm, endearing contact of human hands…” ― Helen Keller, The Open Door

This is the second post in the travel boudoir series from Florida.  To start at the beginning, click here. Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 1 of 4

BreathlessBoudoir_destination_florida_0045_BWI don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a shoot (I probably say that after every epic shoot, but my job seriously never stops amazing me)!  A friend and I went to visit my mom in Florida so I could play around with creating some fine art nudes on the beach and rocks.  I was like a kid in a candy store! I shot so much that I’m going to have to break the blog about this trip into four parts! I LOVE BEACH BOUDOIR!!! Continue reading

Boudoir session for a wedding gift!

     Before and after makeover ©2013 Breathless BoudoirRachel was getting married and wanted something unforgettable to give her groom on the wedding day.  There really isn’t a better gift to give a groom than a book full of his beautiful bride who he is about to commit the rest of his life to.

Rachel did some fine art nude black and white photos to hang on her wall as well as some sassy other sets.

Here’s what Rachel had to say about her Breathless Boudoir experience, Continue reading