Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 4 of 4

©2014 Breathless Boudoir | Jen TromblyThis is the last blog in the travel boudoir series from Florida, and possibly one of my favorite… though it’s such a close race because I love ALL of the posts so much! My heart is in the forest, that’s where I feel the most connected to nature, and the most at peace.  It also proved to be the most challenging shoot of all of them. Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 3 of 4

©Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max TromblyContinuing the travel boudoir series, I had the honor of photographing my mother for the second time.  Yes, you heard that right, ^ this gorgeous woman is my mother.  We started off on the same rocks from the first post in this series (if you missed that post click here). Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 2 of 4


“Hold out your hands to feel the luxury of sunbeams. Press the soft blossoms against your cheek, and finger their graces of form, their delicate mutability of shape, their pliancy and freshness. Expose your face to the aerial floods that sweep the heavens, ‘inhale great draughts of space,’ wonder, wonder at the wind’s unwearied activity. Pile note on note the infinite music that flows increasingly to your soul from the tactual sonorities of a thousand branches and tumbling waters. How can the world be shriveled when this most profound, emotional sense, touch, is faithful to its service? I am sure that if a fairy bade me choose between the sense of sight and that of touch, I would not part with the warm, endearing contact of human hands…” ― Helen Keller, The Open Door

This is the second post in the travel boudoir series from Florida.  To start at the beginning, click here. Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 1 of 4

BreathlessBoudoir_destination_florida_0045_BWI don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a shoot (I probably say that after every epic shoot, but my job seriously never stops amazing me)!  A friend and I went to visit my mom in Florida so I could play around with creating some fine art nudes on the beach and rocks.  I was like a kid in a candy store! I shot so much that I’m going to have to break the blog about this trip into four parts! I LOVE BEACH BOUDOIR!!! Continue reading