Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 3 of 4

©Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max TromblyContinuing the travel boudoir series, I had the honor of photographing my mother for the second time.  Yes, you heard that right, ^ this gorgeous woman is my mother.  We started off on the same rocks from the first post in this series (if you missed that post click here). Continue reading

Fine Art Destination Boudoir Photography | Florida | Part 1 of 4

BreathlessBoudoir_destination_florida_0045_BWI don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a shoot (I probably say that after every epic shoot, but my job seriously never stops amazing me)!  A friend and I went to visit my mom in Florida so I could play around with creating some fine art nudes on the beach and rocks.  I was like a kid in a candy store! I shot so much that I’m going to have to break the blog about this trip into four parts! I LOVE BEACH BOUDOIR!!! Continue reading

Our “rut” and a SMOKING hot Lafayette Boudoir Session!!!

©2013 Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max TromblyNo matter what job it is that you work, or what you do in life, from time to time everyone experiences getting caught in a rut.  Well, Max and I recently found ourselves in that rut.  It happens to the best of us, yes, but we’re not allowed to not rock all the time!  We have a job to do and we take it very seriously…. making women feel sexy!  We were getting bored with our studio and shooting the same stuff all the time.  We needed a change, some inspiration, that little UMPH that sparks the life into us and makes us do what we do. Continue reading

WARNING: This post is extra spicy!

Meggan was another (very exciting) addition to the “Breathless in New Orleans” special.  Her session was extra hot!  Think 50 Shades of Grey, but even hotter!

I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves…

Meggan_before_after boudoir Continue reading