Erica’s Boudoir Session | Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Erica is an extraordinary woman whom I found very inspiring.  She has been through some really rough stuff, but was given a new chance at life and has not taken it for granted.  Her personality had so much spunk that it inspired me to try new things with her, particularly in the fine art nudes section.

©2014 Breathless Boudoir | Jen & Max Trombly

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30mph winds and a dry lakebed…

Breathless_Boudoir_on_location_desert_destination_01In a dry lake bed in a Nevada desert, right outside of Las Vegas, 30mph winds slapped us in the face as we stepped out of the car.  If you’re not sure exactly what 30mph winds feel like (drive 30 miles an hour and stick your head out of the window…. just kidding!), it’s strong enough to hold up 15 yards of fabric and the wind keeps it from touching the ground.  It was exactly what we had hoped for!  The ground was as flat as it could possibly be with giant cracks painted like puzzle pieces across the lake bed.  Mountains were in the distance on all sides of us and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.  Perfect day for a desert shoot! Continue reading